The Human Ego
The Human Ego

The Human Ego

On each level of consciousness, there is a corresponding aspect of the ego. It is this ego that makes a particular level of consciousness seem real and seem like it has some power to hold the “Conscious You” at that level. In other words, the ego will seek to make the “Conscious You” believe that it cannot, is not allowed to or does not need to rise beyond its current level. Thus, in order to rise from one level of consciousness to the next, the Conscious You will have to transcend the corresponding aspect of the ego.

While this may sound difficult, it really isn’t so hard, once you begin to intuitively “see” how the ego works. The ego only has a limited number of options, and some “tricks” are used at each level of consciousness, so they can be recognized.

The primary trick used by the ego is to divert your attention away from looking inside yourself. Jesus made an interesting statement, when he asked us why we so often look at the splinter in the eyes of our brothers but fail to see the beam in our own eyes. The primary reason for this is that the ego is so good at diverting our attention by making us believe that we have to do something, solve some problem or pay attention to something outside ourselves.

The basic key to rising from one level of consciousness to the next is to look inside ourselves and realize two things:

• My current level of consciousness is limiting me, and I no longer want to be at this level.

• I, meaning the Conscious You, am more than my current level of consciousness, meaning that I can extricate myself from my current sense of self and rise – or be reborn – into a new sense of self.

Yet for you to come to the point of being willing to let the old self behind, you need to see it for what it is. And you simply cannot do that as long as you are looking outside yourself, seeking to change other people or the world according to the perception you have at your current level of consciousness.

Source- Kim Michaels

Source: (7) Mother Mary’s 500+ world vigil