part 2 Are we holding within our grasp the blueprint for Zion?
part 2 Are we holding within our grasp the blueprint for Zion?

part 2 Are we holding within our grasp the blueprint for Zion?

Is it possible we are holding within our grasp the blueprint for Zion?

 Part 2:  …Developing Molecular Relationships: An Original Creative Idea

As it relates to Mormon teachings Counsel of 50 established by JS

Just as a an atomic molecule has to have a certain number of atoms in it to work so does the human the number that Jesus used for example is 12 units. However we must not Overlook an important principle each human Atomic unit is composed of not just a one-man or one-woman but a male and female United.The Bible does not tell us specifically that each of the Apostles had a female partner, but neither does it say they did not. It does concretely say that Peter had a wife (Matthew 8:14.)

If each of the 12 had a female partner [wife] this would make the actual number of the molecule of Jesus 24. Ironically, this is the number of entities in the molecule Before the Throne of God: “around the Throne of God where is 4 + 20 seats and upon the seats I saw Four and Twenty Elders sitting, clothed in white raiment; and they had on their heads crowns of gold.”(Rev 4:4)

Because the entities are called elders does not make them male or had a certain position in the Church of God. Elder comes from the word PRESBUTEROS which means Elder ones. In other words, the 24 entities Before the Throne of God were very evolved and ancient Souls having the experience of many lifetimes.

In the marriage relationship, Jesus said that the male and female ” are no more Twain, but one flesh.” Matt 19:6  therefore, one human Adam or Atom, is male and female United. The molecule of Jesus was this called the “twelve” rather than the twenty-four.

In the human molecule, the female is polarized in the energy of magnetism or receivership. The male is in radiance or is sending. Remember, we all have both energies, within us, but we are guided by our soul to manifest the energy represented by our physical body. (Male or female)

The male energy of radiant action is not more important than the female, but it is more visible and generally receives more credit. This should not be the case, however, for without the female energy of magnetism, there would be no power to draw energy into form and maintain it there.

The Ancients recognized and appreciated this principle. That is why their deities are female. They recognize that no form could manifest without the female energy.

In the molecule of Jesus, the men performed the recorded miracles, but the women had the magnetic force to draw the spiritual energy so the Miracles were possible.

It is interesting that the first recorded Miracle of Jesus was at a marriage feast. What is even more interesting is the fact that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was responsible for the gifts and Jesus was instructed by his mother that they needed more wine. Why was Mary presiding at the wedding if she were not the mother of the groom, which was the custom at the time, and why was Jesus responsible for more wine if he was not the groom? Did he pull from the magnetic energy of his female mother and his bride to perform his first miracle the changing of water into wine?  Read John 2:1-11 and ask yourself. Why is the Bible mysteriously silent on the identity of the married couple?


At the time of the greatest Miracle of them all, the resurrection of the Dead, who was the first person that Jesus appeared to? Was it Peter, who was the head of the church?


It was Mary. Not only was Mary Magdalene there to see the miracle of the Resurrection before any man, but so were Joanna, and Mary the mother of James, and other women… Luke 24:10

Is it possible for his greatest miracle, Jesus actually needed to surround himself with the magnetic power of females?

When he performed his second greatest Miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead, he drew from the faith of Mary and Martha who were present. Martha said to him: I know that even now (that Lazareth is dead ) whatsoever thou Wilt ask of God, God will give it thee. John 11:22


Martha here believed in something that had never been done before. That a man whose body was in decay could be raised from the dead. None of the Apostles believed in Jesus the way the women did. The question is, could Jesus have performed the great Miracles without the magnetic belief of the females around him? Was this the reason that just before he gave the command to Lazarus to rise, he ask Martha if she believed on him?

The male apostles did not believe that Jesus was going to rise from the dead, but numerous women did. They were waiting at the grave for him when he arose because they believed that he could conquer even death as he had told them.

The fact is simply this: Without the synthesis of Male radiant energy and Female magnetic energy there can be no creation.

On the other hand, by the power of the cooperation of the two energies there is NO creation that can be withheld. Even the miracle of the resurrection of the dead is accomplished on this very principle. The power of belief and faith is a feminine Principle. It is magnetic and not radiant. 

Comment: I received this message by the Presence of the Holy spirit yesterday on 8/5/22 also witnessed by my friend Larry Johnson:

“I want to commend you both on being attracted to the Molecule. This is the next great happening that will expand the Ascended Master Consciousness and the outgrowth of divine human potential that is even now expanding into the new and Celestial levels of divine consciousness and unfolding potential. I salute you both in your attainment and your gravitation to the great light and the crystallization of the divine forms that are even now unfolding and coming into form. Namaste’