Let this mind be in you
Let this mind be in you

Let this mind be in you


I had an “Aha” moment this morning as I was reading through a message I ran across as I had saved in my messenger, today …In regards to the term “Self Mastery”. It was interesting to me every time I would use that phrase, it was totally rejected, discounted with no regard to what I had to say about it. The term fell on deaf ears. The word “Self-mastery”, unless it is capitalized, would refer to the little self, the “id”, the ego, or  the little “i”. That I know, but when it is spoken, the fact that the Self is capitalized it’s not clear in the mind of the hearer due to the realization of the thousands of years of indoctrination that it has been programmed into the psyches of humanity. And even though they may see it with the S capitalized, they may not cognize the term  used here is referring to the “Divine self” or the “Christ mind” who is the true doer, because the teaching of that concept doesn’t register in the mind of those that have not come into a higher awareness in their consciousness.


Phillipians 2:5-6 “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:

Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:”

So to the hearer of the term “Self-Mastery”, all that  it means to them is self pointing back to the ego or the mortal consciousness which they fully reject. I don’t blame that thinking. The problem is, individuals are so stuck in duality mindset of their programming that they cannot perceive the “Higher Mind” nor do they seem to have a clue as to what it means.


I see new applications for “Self-Mastery” in this cycle it is about living in the world that we are in and engaging in the teeth of life and through this process gaining the Mastery that is necessary to participate in such an Order as the United Order. “Self-mastery” is willingness to take responsibility for one’s own psychology. Looking with the “Christ Mind” within the self, to recognize the hooks and emotional triggers that are buried there within our own psychology and being willing to address those things to whatever assistance would be the greatest help to that individual, those not being the same for everyone, but being tailored to the needs of each individual. These will work for the benefit of the whole. And resolve those parts of ourselves that are unresolved. until we look at them through the “Christ Mind” and recognize them for what they are, By living in community we can help each other see the beams in each other’s eyes or in other words those unseen unresolved psychologies that require attention and addressing. It is then in the spirit of meekness we can bear each other’s burdens can watch and hold the balance as each one of us works out those unresolved psychology’s and emotional hooks that are buried within the psyche of each one of us. We all have them. This is what true repentance is all about.