discerning the truth of revelation
 discerning the truth of revelation

 discerning the truth of revelation

“Can the Adversary counterfeit the feeling we get when revelation is received? The Lord said, “Yes.” The feeling is not the witness. It is the absolute clarity of thought, which “settle upon our soul as the dews from heaven” was how He said it. We know it is true, clearly, and with no restraint. If all we receive is emotion and sensation, we are lacking the witness. It is always best to study it out in our mind first, then to ask, and see if the “clarity” comes. A “stupor of thought” is a lack of clarity. When I receive a baptism of fire it often has a physical reaction to my body, but this is a side-affect, whereas the spiritual affect is what is most important, as I am made clean and holy before the Lord. An example came to my mind of how music and movies and often generate the warm rush of feelings that come from what we hear or see. It is not always the Lord or the Adversary causing these, but our own bodies reacting to the stimulus.”

Source: Anonymous