The Conscious You
The Conscious You

The Conscious You

The part of you that descends into physical embodiment is called the “Conscious You”. This is the seat of your free will, and it is charged with making decisions based on its current perception. Yet the “Conscious You” is truly an extension of the Creator’s being, which means it does not have individuality; your individuality being seated in the I AM Presence.

The ‘Conscious You” is pure awareness, which means that, like the “I AM Presence”, it cannot be damaged or destroyed by anything in the material world. The “Conscious You” takes embodiment by projecting itself into a self that is made in the material world. This lower self is what many religions or spiritual teachings call the soul. The ascended masters call it the soul vehicle or the four-fold vehicle. The reason is that it has four levels, corresponding to the four levels of the material universe.

Regardless of how you see yourself, you are still the “Conscious You”. You can at any time project yourself out of your current sense of self, just as you projected yourself into it. Yet for most people this will require a gradual process of raising their conscious awareness. Many people on earth have their conscious awareness centered around the physical body, and this makes it very difficult for them to master their emotions and thoughts. More spiritual people have usually shifted the focus of their conscious awareness to one of the higher bodies.

As you purify the four lower bodies,” vehicles of expresson” you will gradually uncover your deepest sense of identity, and you can then realign it with the reality you receive through the Christ mind. Thus, you can stop defining yourself based on the imperfections on earth and instead claim and express the true individuality in your “I AM Presence”.

Source: – Kim Michaels