Guardians of the Mother

Guardians of the Mother

Celebrating the Return of the Divine Mother to Earth

Guardians Blog

Guardians Blog, News and Announcements, What’s happening You are invited to share relevant events and activities, Conferences to be posted here. These will include Events around the world to participate in World Service to the Mother...

Divine Economy

In this feature section we will be covering  the economy where we will be dissecting some little known, hidden or buried, information during 2021 as well as providing resources for you to do your own...

Natural Law Resources

Uncovering the Buried Treasure of Natural Law Natural Law is the understanding and development of a new way of living and governance within humanity as a whole. Where Balance will be restored  as we move...

Guardians Blog

Guardians Blog, News and Announcements, What’s happening

You are invited to share relevant events and activities, Conferences to be posted here. These will include Events around the world to participate in World Service to the Mother Earth as well as humanity.

Group Decree and Rosary services and schedules.

News of World Events that are noteworthy, particularly related or as a result of the World Service work, Decree work  Light work, Healing that has come forth as a positive result of work of the World Servers as noted above or humanitarian efforts around the world. Please contact us if you have any questions. See Contact Us page

Conference events, schedules and activities.

Or any What’s New relevant information.

part 2 Are we holding within our grasp the blueprint for Zion?

Is it possible we are holding within our grasp the blueprint for Zion?  Part 2:  ...Developing Molecular Relationships: An Original Creative Idea As it relates to... Read More "part 2 Are we holding within our grasp the blueprint for Zion?"

Let this mind be in you

  I had an “Aha” moment this morning as I was reading through a message I ran across as I had saved in my messenger,... Read More "Let this mind be in you"

 discerning the truth of revelation

"Can the Adversary counterfeit the feeling we get when revelation is received? The Lord said, “Yes.” The feeling is not the witness. It is the... Read More " discerning the truth of revelation"


“A mortal lives not through that breath that flows in and that flows out. The source of his life is another and this causes the... Read More "Prana"

Divine Economy

In this feature section we will be covering  the economy where we will be dissecting some little known, hidden or buried, information during 2021 as well as providing resources for you to do your own research.

Looking at what’s under the hood

Divine Economy in the Aquarian Age

Divine Economy is Tied to natural law

Women’s role in righting the current money system

Understanding the Economy

What is the true Economy in it’s Pure Form

Background: Understanding the money system as it is today

Related Resources:

image source: ThriveOn

Natural Law Resources

Uncovering the Buried Treasure of Natural Law

Natural Law is the understanding and development of a new way of living and governance within humanity as a whole. Where Balance will be restored  as we move deeper into this Aquarian Cycle.  As the energies now entering this quadrant of the galaxy will be brought to bare on  humanity globally.  It will bring to bare upon all of humanity the just like the erosion by wind and water,  the old paradigms we have experienced over the last two millennia, such as  matrices and ideologies of communism, capitalism, materialism will naturally dissolve as we humans come to the place of maturity on all levels of our being, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically, to become fully responsible for ourselves, our communities, our families, our nations and the Earth Mother and her resources.

This category of the website now being developed will present a host of resources  currently available and is being rediscovered and developed in greater detail. When I came upon this information I immediately recognized that so many of the principles and precepts  are in alignment with the Age of Aquarius and answers so many questions that humanity is asking. Most of this information has been hidden, buried. And like so much of what this last generation is witnessing and experiencing, the apocalypse, the uncovering of “buried treasure”.  The more I investigated this topic of Natural Law, the more resources I found and are being studied. More interest, more focus, more groups forming to share information. Along with real tangible application, the “How to” is already gathering momentum that will bring us to the point of an unstoppable force.  You will find links to these resources in this section.

Resources page

Without further delay, while adding more compelling content here is the resource sheet so you can get stated .

Download:  Natural Law Resources

About Guardians

About Guardians of the Mother 


Cosmic Secret Service

“Guardians of the Mother ” is created as a focus of the Return of the Divine Mother to the Earth. By Divine guidance as I was inspired to create this website and received further direction to share whom the cosmic beings were that instructed me to do so.

The creation of this Website is protected and sponsored by The Galactic Secret Service is also known as the “Cosmic Secret Service”.

Who are the Cosmic Secret Service?

Well, it is NOT the “Space Force” or the name that was assigned to that recently created branch of the military,  whose service persons have been so appropriately named “Guardians”.  The Cosmic Secret Service is  of a higher spiritual order that has been in existence as long as this system of worlds has been in existence. They are part of the Spiritual Hierarchy that is responsible for and are the guardians of the destiny of Liberty in America and in every nation on planet earth. Because of the nature of their service, K-17 and His commanders, generals, and co-workers are very close to the physical octave. They often appear in physical form as the guardians of right action midst chaos and crisis as they assist members of the various security agencies of the nations of the world. Sometimes they actually work undercover, assuming the appearance of those whose ranks and organizations they would penetrate.

In 1973, K-17 described the work of the Cosmic Secret Service and how we can help them. He said:

“My legions are agents of the Cosmic Christ and they are ever on the alert to search out those manifestations that are subversive against the Christ and the unfolding Buddhic and Christ consciousness in mankind…. We do have openings in our ranks for those who would participate, by the use of the All-Seeing-Eye-of-God with the help of Cyclopea in calling to the attention of hierarchy the persons and conditions, the organizations and happenings that are not in keeping with the Law and that are … a threat to the advancement of the light upon the planet.

While they are in service the Brotherhood of Light, they report to the Ascended Masters. They possess the power of tuning in to mankind but do not spend any more of their energy than necessary to accomplish their service.

The “boots-on-the-ground” unascended branch of the Cosmic Secret Service assembles information on specific cases, writes reports on world situations and offers opinions as to what should be done about certain matters. The reports of the various commanders, generals, and agents are put together and examined. The masters compare their own views with the suggestions of the unascended agents. In most cases, they pass on the results in concise form to the “Karmic Board”. The final actions of the Brotherhood are based, then, to some degree, on the intelligence gathered by those in embodiment.

Who is K-17?

“K-17” is the code name for the ascended master who heads the “Cosmic Secret Service”. Its members are devotees of the All-Seeing-Eye-of-God. They use their God-vision to warn the citizens of cosmos of threats to the security of the individualization of the God flame—threats to life and liberty, threats to the governments of the world and to the family as the basic unit of the Aquarian society.

Both K-17 and his sister were able to maintain life in their physical bodies for over three hundred years prior to their ascensions in the 1930s. Continuing their evolution and service to embodied mankind, they now maintain a villa in Paris and focuses in other parts of the world for the training of unascended chelas.

K-17 frequently visits the executive offices of the United States Government in a physical body and works closely with members of various security agencies. He is equally familiar with the Kremlin, although they are not aware of his true identity.

Source material: Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats.

More: Read a dictation from K-17 directly
K-17 Enlists Us in the Work of the Cosmic Secret Service
